Home Events - SEKO 2024 Sightseeing Daily program Humboldt Forum – Transformation of the museum landscape


26 04 2024


10:20 - 13:00

Humboldt Forum – Transformation of the museum landscape

Max 20 participants – German language

This is a real treat for all culture enthusiasts.

You will experience the Humboldt Forum, a new piece of Berlin, a place for culture and science, for exchange and debate.

Euch erwartet ein Impulsvortrag von  Prof. Dr. Patricia Rahemipour, Direktorin und Katrin Grotz, Stellv. Direktorin, dem Leitungsteam des Instituts für Museumsforschung zum Thema “Transformation in der Museumslandschaft”. Was bedeutet z.B. die Digitalisierung für die Museen in Deutschland, welche Ausstellungsformen werden in Zukunft ihre Relevanz behalten oder neue bekommen!?

Afterwards you will be interviewed by Prof. Dr. Alexis von Poser, deputy director of the Ethnological Museum and Museum of Asian Art, guided us through part of the exhibition - the topic of transformation, what does it mean, for example, to identify and hand over looted art or what processes have to be created for this.

begin Holiday Inn at 10:20 a.m. (tour from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.)
Meeting point on site: 10.55 a.m. in the Schlüterhof – the interior of the Humboldt Forum

Directions: Bus 300, from station Tamara-Danz-Str. at 10:34 am (around the corner Holiday Inn), Ankunft 10:58 Uhr  – Ausstieg Museumsinsel


Humboldt Forum
Schloßplatz, 10178 Berlin


Humboldt Forum
Schloßplatz, 10178 Berlin